The Aeroclub Virtual VirtuAliRoma (VAR) was founded in 1999 by the passion of a group of friends for the flight , both real and virtual .
Our group wants to unite all those who want to share our passion , regardless of age ' , skill or computer knowledge / aviation , as long as ' show interest and make changes ideas and useful solutions to all participants .
The association Virtualiroma is a non-profit organization. Registration and 'only required to certify to the Flying club membership, but it absolutely does not prevent participation in other associations and / or Aeroclub and / or Virtual Airlines.
To enroll in VirtuAliRoma click on Join, and fill the online form!
We carry out our flights every Tuesday evening beginning at about 21:30: some days before we remind our members in planning events, with instructions on how to connect to sessions in multiplayer. These events will in fact fly in multiplayer sessions with specially scenarios played and to download the relevant page, or tour of longer duration, or fly online into IVAO / VATSIM.
And course imperative to have installed on your PC FS2004 or Fsx or Xplane or Prepare 3D and have an internet connection (preferably broadband such as ADSL). Other free software such as TeamSpeak Roger Wilco and allow you to live these events more fun: And 'advisable to install them!
Since May 1, 2015 flights of events and tours of the company were classified into three types in order to indicate to pilots the choice of the same according to their aeronautical knowledge .
They are mostly events and tours which generally take place in areas of the world rarely covered by the ATC or servers offline.
The pilot will be asked to perform a simple VFR ( Visual Flight Rules ) of airports undemanding , where there is or is not necessary the use of radio frequencies .
They are also part of this category , all Routes Time Table , provided that it is the condition of the flight and reported offline with Kacars or with manual PIREP.
Normally this type indicates taken in Italian territory or in areas that are not controlled , but it still required contact with the ATC and simple procedures that VFR flight is IFR .
The pilot must be able to request the necessary permits to the same flight , follow the procedures ( ILS , VOR , SID , STAR , HOLDING etc etc ) .
Normally flights will be carried out online on IVAO Network and Vatsim.
Events and tours are conducted in other parts of the world crowded with traffic and air traffic controllers.
And is required to pilot the mandatory use of the English language, in-depth knowledge of the procedures described above, and is mandatory to have and know how to use the aeronautical maps .
This Tours and Events are performed on network online.
We remind all members of the Company that when you connect to the network online is the pilot himself that with his Callsign rappresente the company itself. To avoid misunderstandings with controllers and other pilots , we ask pilots use extreme care in choosing the route.
This document helps to provide guidelines for the proper conduct of the flights of the Company. the following are the rules to follow for each type of flight.
The time frame for this type of flight is from 15 min. first to 45 min after the estimated time(example. Flight Torino LIMF - Roma F. LIRF of 12.00, the pilot can 'starting from 11.45 to 12.45). All times are listed in the timetable timezone "Z".
The flights can be performed from 3 days before the event date(example. match of Coppa Italia of the day 7 January, the pilot can 'make the flight of the day 4 January.
For automotive events must follow the "Open date".
The flights can be held from 3 days before the events and 2 day after the event (example. tour dei Balcani, Leg 6 of the day 7 January, the pilot can 'make the flight from the day 4 January to the 9 January.
Each pilot must adhere to these rules, otherwise the PIREP will not be valid. This is to make the activity of the company as much as possible real and put all the pilots in a position to carry out flight schedule thus avoiding unnecessary "RACES" who scores more flight hours finishing the tour or sporting events "months" before their normal term.
This document can be updated and reviewed by members of the staff without notice.
Eventi in programma
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Guest(s) 70